Trump’s Oil Dominion Amid Climatic Concern

Traditionally the power and influence of first term American Presidents start with their accomplishments in a hundred days in office. President Donald Trump in wielding that power reversed President Barack Obama administration’s leasing ban on oil blocks in the Arctic, Atlantic and Pacific waters. The euphoric executive order was also to open up exploration activities in the Virginia and North and South Carolina where drilling has been blocked for decades.

The area is approximately 1.7 billion acres on the Outer Continental Shelf, the parts of the ocean and seabed. About 94 percent of this continental shelf harbours 89.86 billion barrels of undiscovered oil and 327.48 trillion cubic feet of undiscovered natural gas put off limits to drilling. Trump directed the U.S. Interior Secretary, Ryan Zinke whose department oversees the offshore area to review President Obama’s five-year plan for offshore drilling rights in federal waters.

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