Belly's Morning Thought

The word I. Q has always been some kind of word I have been hearing from my tender days as a young child. You will hear someone say especially when our parents are trying to scold us for something they are not too pleased with,  they will say "why didn't you use your I. Q"  or "why didn't you make use of your I. Q". Apart from our parents,  we so often use the word I. Q to estimate a person when he or she is taking a dummy decision as we might  think or possibly when we see those who are kind of  timid, then we hurriedly conclude that their I. Q is not really working..

I. Q per say,  as we all know  is referred as Intelligent Quotient. Basically, the result is been derived when an individual's mental age is divided by his or her chronological age,  that is the, the accumulated age of the person multiplied by hundred.  This could make sense to a lot people and still not make sense to a large number of people. Many have said that people's I. Q could either be rated high or low base on the environment they find themselves. (Environmental factors). I have continued to imagine the wholesome difference when I compare the African child with it's western contemporary. A lot of people will agree that the margin is quite large.  For example the Nigerian children,  most of them are so back ward and are quite exposed to things they ought not to. Coming to talents, I'm pretty sure that we have quite good number of our young kids that are talented but not refined. So they are there, and some day, they will grow up and probably die with their innate unused, undiscovered and unrefined potentials. Some times, you look at our kids here,  they look rather dull and some who went to rather very expensive schools looking quite timid, unexposed and so full of fear for the world as they are pampered and told that those outside the world could harm them or exploit them, so they are left within their circle of social group expect they step the extra mile.

So I'm thinking,  what exactly is the problem, is it that we don't have kids here with high rated I.Qs even in the villages or is the environment over cloning our potentials for our kids to compete highly with her fellow kids beyond her territory. 
