Nigeria Amongest Starving Nations

Despite our dignified title as the giant of Africa, it is quite shameful and unbelievable how the mighty Nigeria consented so low to being rated as one of the six starving nation's in the world along side South Sudan. It is really pitiful and painful because being ranked together with Southern Sudan is most likely an indication that might be looked at as some refugees because currently southern Sudan are being feed and provided for by the UN. Are we preparing to get ourselves in the state as them, Considering what the Southern Sudan has faced in the past few years, we can never be equalled to them because it would be very catastrophic. According to reports by Al Jazeera news, the many problem that have been pointed out as some of the problems leading to this, are poor resource management and leadership. More is needed to be done as we need to secure the future and manage the little we have now before it escalates to being worse.
