Belly's Morning Thoughts

It is unbelievable to understand the inherent problem or cause of decay in our educational system here in Nigeria. Sorry to say but the system is and has been bastardized by unhealthy management from the main stream and funny enough, we the people, are far from happening the situation. Majority of the young generation if I must say, because I wouldn't want to generalize, wants to be graduates and when you insist on following your heart desire in getting yourself equipped with the desired skills you love, parents and family members frowns at you and compares you with a bunch of your mates from other families that has produced graduates and gone to serve the nation. Education here in Nigeria is totally out of it. The system won't help, so also the people. There are many who thinks that getting a certified certificate gets you into making a better living, some will rather use it as the best route to get a rich husband, some thinks it's the only way that stands you out from your illiterate friends. Many have different mind set to acquiring education and that is the more reason we keep getting it wrong. Don't judge me by saying that I generalized the whole issue because I'm also aware that there are also lots of our young ones who have a genuine desire to study and not just carry the certificate like some posters but really know and works hard in that dream profession they are studying for even though at times it seems frustrating when they are not appreciated. I keeping asking questions, I possibly don't know how we can correct and turn the system into the best thing it ought to be. Education is the undoubtedly the best foundation we can use in building and solidifying a better nation, but let's not force it on our children or the youths. Let's focus on their ideal abilities and potential talents as this might help reduce the large number of unproducing graduates and keep praying for a better Education system.
That is correct,but nigeria need to change there mind set about education.
ReplyDeleteThat is correct,but nigeria need to change there mind set about education.
ReplyDeletethis is truth, we need to correct the believe that certificate is everything.