Acting president Osinbajo signs three executive orders to boost economy

Acting President Yemi Osinbajo yesterday signed three executive orders that will significantly change some of the ways government business and operations are conducted.
The executive orders were issued “in exercise of the presidential authorities vested in the Executive arm of government”.
Specifically, Prof. Osinbajo signed three executive orders giving specific instructions on a number of policy issues affecting:
  • the promotion of transparency and efficiency in the business environment designed to facilitate the ease of doing business,
  • timely submission of annual budgetary estimates by all statutory and non-statutory agencies, including companies owned by the Federal Government, and
  • support for local contents in public procurement by the Federal Government.
A statement signed by Laolu Akande, his spokesman, lists the highlights of the three orders as follows: every Ministry, Department and Agency (MDA) of the Federal Government shall publish a complete list of all requirements or conditions for obtaining products and services within the MDA’s scope of responsibility, including permits, licences, waivers, tax related processes, filings and approvals.
