The Opening Article
It is very understandable and reasonable to believe that with the less and unhelping nation's  situation in which we find ourselves, that our younger and young generations ( youths) would and might not be fully blamed for being less productive in the economy and in all its major affairs.
 But undeniably, i want to stand in solidarity and recognition with those of our young able youths who are standing so firm even in the midst of the country's unavailed opportunities and are yet, doing extra ordinary things with their creative minds in innovative entrepreneurial leadership and management, arts, 
utilized skill acquisition abilities and so many others just to say a few and scaling beyond the level of its societal unyielding and disappointing economy to inspiring, aspiring and crafting a future for themselves which are their symbol of recognition and legacy for years to come. I can not think less but to digest the fact that the most treasured success, are success made in a tight, unattended, unsupported, unencouraged and disappointing situation. It is also assumable that anyone or anybody who encountered this spheres of challenge in getting through life especially as a young person and at a youthful age considers the victory most memorable and cherished. Therefore, our youths must stand up to the task of leading a foresight life in getting the best out of what they have always visualized as a dream or driven purpose. 
Nevertheless, i have sat down to analyze what the idea of this blog is, in being an inspiring platform in which anyone and everyone can visit no matter the ages. So i pondered through what the main word for the blog meant to me and that is the word 'INSPIRE'. Personally, i wouldn't want to subscribe entirely with the detailed meaning noted by the dictionary but i guess that i could still find a meaning that is similar to that of the diction guide. Inspire to me, means to Activate, Elevate, Inculcate, Inform, Motivate, and Uplift. I can go on and on to say what it means to me, it entails more than this. When we inspire in ourselves to achieve a purpose or in other people, we activate their minds to the optimistic ability of their innate being qualities, they are being elevated to another phase of growth, they are inculcated, informed  motivated and uplifted to  achieving and getting the best they ordinarily wouldn't have dared tried. 
I feel that when people are positively inspired towards the right direction especially the young generation of our youths, our society, nation and communities will become more healthy for living and free from many of the criminal activities, dirty acts and unhealthy engagements as people especially the youths are made busy with their creative acts and ideas of the  mind. Then, we would have a few number of youths who poses  adamant to the revolution of change that inspiration has sparked up, as a greater number will become more valuable to the society at large and no longer will they continue to be  referred as 'going to be leaders of tomorrow' but active leaders who will emerge as good  leaders in notable positions especially at local, state and federal government levels and also in other important offices. 
So therefore, BB Inspire is not just a carrier of news or information on things happening around the globe be it on entertainment, education, politics  gists, fashion... but also a blog with a different spirit to inspire people of all ages. We welcome formally to Belly's Blog Inspire (BB Inspire). With love, get your seat belt on as we take you to the groove of plenty seasoned ride. Let's Inspire you to the top...


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