Trump Supporters Solidly Behind Him

In the midst of trump's assorted headline's projections....
Impeachment, obstruction of justice, and abuse of power are the themes of the week.
Split-screens of Mr Trump and Richard Nixon drift across our TVs; Watergate veterans warn gloomily of history repeating itself and investigations continue to swirl.
Swallow all that and surely it is only a matter of time before the President is having his Nixon moment on the steps of Marine One on the South Lawn, right?
As Mr Trump heads off on his first overseas visit, the chance of him being impeached - with Republicans in control of Congress - is just about zero.
In fact, there is more chance that Mr Trump will get bored of the whole thing and walk away, back to his businesses and reality television, than of him being driven from office right now.
And amid all the outrage about what the President says or does or tweets, remember this: there are millions of Americans who AGREE with Mr Trump that this is all a witch hunt.
