Caging the Ijaw Egbesu

WE are all subject to death because mortality remains the indestructible heritage of man. Alert to the seasonality of their dance of illumination, even the stars, sun and moon attempt no abracadabra aimed at rebellious disfigurement of their marked disappearance on the stage, much less man laden with a knowledge of  mortality as their indestructible heritage. This is where one becomes dumbfounded as to how long the Egbesu of Ijaw should be left to ladle out dishes of violence in Nigeria, yet it daily enjoys fame as a god of justice, purity and just war of manumission. A mystical force behind the fearlessness of the agitating voices of the Niger Delta people. If the Federal Government of Nigeria could cage Egbesu,  which is the silent supplication of many, all the noisy distractions of Ijaw people cast as legitimate cries for developmental attention could disappear into the horizon – beyond sporadic destruction of the peace of Nigeria. 

The Tompolo of Niger Delta, whose name strikes Julius Caesar-like onomatopoeic note, releasing vibrations of like, dislike, fear, disgust, hatred and love, and the Tompolos of Nigeria would claim clothes of alligator as soon as strategies are created to kidnap, cage and silence Egbesu. Rather than labour  to hunt down the votaries of Egbesu who claim righteous rebelliousness cast euphemistically as struggle for manumission from forces of oppression, suppression, subjugation and exploitation, Egbesu should be the target of annihilation. Accumulated records point to the fact that the Egbesu of Ijaw people deserves annihilation. Time has actually come for all the temples of Egbesu in different communities to be raided, desecrated and pulverized since mere military expropriation and seizure of the golden sword of Egbesu from its shrine in Oporoza has done nothing to diminish the powers of this enigmatic god of just war. A properly diagnosed ailment suffers defeat in the hands of a doctor. The Isaac Boros, Tompolos, Asaris and the Atekes of this world would not have been heard, their names sounding hyperbolized dangerous notes of stridency, if an indestructible structure of desecration and pulverization had been erected to cage Egbesu. This is an open invitation to the Federal Government of Nigeria to engage creative and innovative thinkers whose knowledge of mysticism and African spirituality is vast.

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