‘Poland goes against European interests’

VARNA, Bulgaria: French President Emmanuel Macron on Friday criticised Poland’s conservative government for going against Europe’s interests and warned Warsaw risked finding itself "on the margins" of the bloc in the future.
"Poland today is not a country that can show Europe the way, it’s a country that has decided to go against European interests in many areas," Macron said at a press conference in the Bulgarian coastal city of Varna.

"The country is placing itself on the margins of Europe’s future history," he added. His remarks came after Poland reiterated its rejection to Macron’s push to overhaul a controversial EU rule that lets firms send temporary workers from low-wage countries to rich economies without paying local social charges.

The French president embarked on a three-day tour of eastern and central Europe on Wednesday to win support for reforming the so-called Posted Workers Directive at a Brussels summit on October 19-20.
