Former envoy to India takes on present envoy to US 

ISLAMABAD: Abdul Basit, who recently retired as Pakistan High Commissioner to India after serving three years, has written a scathing letter to former foreign secretary and country’s incumbent Ambassador to the United States Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry.
In the letter, surfaced on social media, Abdul Basit lambasted Aizaz Chaudhry over a number of foreign policy blunders the latter allegedly made during his time in office as foreign secretary. “The more I think the more I am convinced that you have been the worst Foreign Secretary ever,” Abdul Basit wrote in the letter.
Sources privy to the development, while talking to a private TV channel, confirmed the authenticity of the letter. In the letter dated July 5, Abdul Basit has expressed his concerns saying: "My concern is that you would also end up being the worst Pakistan Ambassador in Washington, DC."

Basit further writes: "I strongly feel that it is in Pakistan's interest that you should immediately be removed from Washington DC. “If not so, you should not be given extension beyond your superannuation on February 27, 2018. May Allah help Pakistan when people like you with weak and dubious credentials are at such important positions." Chaudhry was the foreign secretary of Pakistan until February this year before being appointed as Pakistan's ambassador to the US.
