Security threats: Nigeria Army to conduct more exercises – Buratai

The Nigerian Army says it will conduct more exercises to sharpen personnel skills and prepare them to tackle
emerging security challenges in the country.
The Chief of Army Staff, Lt.-Gen. Tukur Buratai announced this Monday at the commencement of the 2nd and 3rd Quarter Chief of Army Staff Conference in Abuja.
Buratai explained that exercises were aimed at focusing personnel in real time operational scenarios as against
simulated training situations.
Currently, exercise “ Egwu Eke ” – Python Dance II is underway in the five South East states – Enugu, Imo, Anambra, Abia, Ebony and Cross River in the South-South.
Buratai said: “ I have given the necessary directives for officers to embark on mission-specific training at home and overseas.This is in addition to effort in strengthening and exploring own local institutions.
“Commanders at all levels are to ensure that orientation cadres are conducted for young officers and soldiers posted to units in order to enshrine aspects of unit regimentation early in them.”

He charged formation commanders in theatre of operations to imbibe the spirit of in – theatre training based on
terrain and the changing “tactics of adversary.”
