Endorse Osinbajo for 2019 Says Adamu Song To Buhari

Former chairman of the now defunct Alliance for Democracy party, AD, Alhaji Adamu Usman Song has advised President Muhammadu Buhari and the ruling All Progressives Congress(APC) to field Vice president Yemi Osinbajo as the Presidential candidate in the upcoming 2019 elections.
Song, in a recent interview, said that if President Buhari is not contesting, Soinbajo would be a good replacement, adding that there is “nowhere in Nigeria’s constitution that says Nigeria’s presidency is turn-by-turn”. He said;
“I am not the one to decide for Buhari whether to contest or not. If Buhari feels that he is strong enough to continue as president in 2019, I will still vote for him. Should Buhari, through his freewill decide that he is not interested in continuing I hope and pray he endorses Vice President Osinbajo to take his place because I have not seen anybody who believes in the ideals Buhari stands for; who has shown clearly that he would continue from where Buhari has started other than Osinbajo, both inside and outside government. I will support Osinbajo 100 percent without looking twice and in any party, he stands to contest. I will not only vote for him, I will campaign for him because I have not seen any Nigerian whom we have seen his antecedent clearly. Osinbajo has proved five things to Nigerians. One, he has shown
Nigerians that he can never betray. Secondly, he has shown Nigerians that he has integrity. Three, he has shown Nigerians that his interest is Nigeria and nothing else. Four, he has shown Nigerians that he is frugal and prudent. Fifth, Osinbajo has shown Nigerians that he is fearless. And these are the good traits in a good leader. Since Osinbajo acted as the president I did not see him exhibit sentiments that are anti-Nigeria, unlike other politicians who pretend. Yes, he can make mistakes because he is human. Yes, he can also commit errors. But they are errors of the head and not of the heart.”
Speaking on the clamor for the North to have their eight years in the presidency completed, Adamu said;
“See, this clamor for North, North, North, North, I don’t see any sense in that. There are several northerners who have been at the top of affairs in this country, what has the North got to show for it? 
What is special in the North that is not found in other regions? Or what does the North have? Is it because we have the advantage of producing more presidents than other regions? So, this talk of it is the turn of the North is a clamor of parochial minds.

What Nigeria needs is a leader who can unite us; who can provide services to the people without looking at religion and region.
