Former Hawks head Ntlemeza retires

Cape Town - Former Hawks boss Berning Ntlemeza has retired, it was announced on Tuesday.
A High Court ruling previously found Ntlemeza's appointment was unlawful and invalid.
On September 15, Police Minister Fikile Mbalula received a court order which ruled that the appeal of the High Court judgment via the Supreme Court of Appeal had been dismissed.
Mbalula has decided not to appeal.
"Upon studying and interpretation of the court order, it is conclusive that General Ntlemeza appointment as the Head of [Hawks] has been nullified and declared unlawful," he said.

"With this decision of the SCA [Supreme Court of Appeal], I am directing SAPS to commence processing General Ntlemeza's retirement with immediate effect as if he had retired at the age of 60 but at a level of Major-General and not as a Lieutenant-General he was promoted to upon his now defunct appointment."
Mbalula said he hoped the matter would end factionalism in the police.
"I remind our members that Major-General Ntlemeza is henceforth in the outside, I demand that our members must do their work professionally and disabuse the notion of being 'so-and-so people or in rogue cabals. I expect results in all the priorities I have set for [the Hawks]."
Mbalula would start the process of filling the permanent vacancy of Hawks head.
Meanwhile, acting Hawks head Lieutenant General Yolisa Matakata would remain in the position.

Mbalula wished Ntlemeza, 60, well.
